Custom jewelry using lace with personal meaning can be a wonderful way to celebrate or commemorate a life event.
Our founder and head lace repurposer, Monika Knutsson, has developed an expertise, unique to her—in cutting, wielding, and shaping lace and tulle so as to preserve and display the most minute details of even the ply in the threads. And then she has the resulting precious pieces transformed in liquid gold and silver, thus creating beautifully handmade heirloom pieces of jewelry.

Some long-distance clients bring their lace to New York for a consultation with Monika. Others ship sample pieces, while many others can assuredly entrust sending Monika the entire garment or piece of lace. She then responds with descriptions of the finished jewelry piece or pieces.

Please plan on the bespoke jewelry process taking 6-7 weeks, including design and production.


Custom Design Inquiry